Thursday, December 24, 2009

Facebooking (With Commentary by My Brother-in-Law Chris)

So for the last two days, every time I come outside I hear my neighbor playing either CoD or Halo. Would it be weird if I invited myself over?
Knock on the door, very nonchalantly introduce yourself, then be like, "Oh, you like CoD?" Whip out your controller, force entry and WREAK HAVOC!
Umm...Xbox live?
But I don't have CoD... He does.
Go buy CoD...right now...this second
Umm, last time I checked my sister was the boss of Chris. Not you.
And last time I checked, you weren't the boss of me.
I beg to differ ;)
*Grabs a bowl of popcorn*
Don't mind me Mike.... keep talking like I'm not even here.
Cock cozy creep ass.
I was taking your side, Fender Tooth!

...must be all of the Miracle Chrome leeching in through your gums...
Hahaha....miracle chrome!
Stay the hell off of my Facebook.
You have a little lettuce right there *points* yea...yea...right there in your bracket...yup...right there.
Too bad your George Lopez sized head isn't filled with brains.
I'll remember that.
P.S. This George Lopez sized head with no brains received a higher grade in COMM 105...what does that say about you?
It says I'm ugly. You beat me with your looks, Sugarpants.
He only looks so good because he uses your teeth as a mirror.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Silent Night

Seriously, I am the worst blog-writing girlfriend ever! Sadly, getting through the fall semester meant something had to be put on the back burner and for the love of God, it wasn't going to be Facebook. It's over now, and though the dust hasn't quite settled (as I wait for the verdict in World Religions) I have the better part of winter break to blog, blog, blog.
I chose today to pick up again as it marks our ninth month together, and I am also incredibly bored waiting to go to work. I spent a little time thinking about what I wanted to add early this morning when I couldn't sleep. I was unfortunately discouraged when I couldn't pull any memories or sappy words to mind, perhaps it was do to the wee hour of the morning or my curious lack of talent. In any case, my mind was a complete blank. Paper white. Like really? I could talk about how cheesy and lame we are. It's been done. I could talk about how we both agree on a threesome with Anne Hathaway. Too creepy, right? I could write a letter? No. No. No, a thousand times, no. Instead, I'm going to say nothing. Simply because nothing is completely perfect. Some of the greatest moments in the past nine months have been defined when we've said nothing at all. For example, March 17. I walked out of the Grand Marc gates, expecting a friend and was rendered quite speechless when instead I saw Mike. Silence is a beautiful thing, defined best in Pulp Fiction. "It's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence." I love to talk and I love to laugh with him and add all of our silly moments to this blog, but sometimes it's nice to simply enjoy nothing.