Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Five for One and One for Five

Have you ever had Five Guys?
Maybe someday...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Viva La Blog

How can you be mad at me? I'm so cute and cuddly!

Taco Bell is gross.

Really? I love it. I love the crunchwrap.
Did you say cuntwrap?
Yeah, it's really good. They steam the cunt and wrap it in a tortilla... You wouldn't like it though, you don't eat cunt.

You know what would make me feel better?
My penis?
How did you know?!
My penis is psychic.
Too bad it doesn't have wheels. Maybe that's what you'll get for Christmas.
A little rocket car for my penis?!
They're on sale at Target. Merry Christmas!

I know what those little lumps on my head are.
What are those freaky little things?
They're missiles I'm going to detonate next time you piss me off.
At least I'll be rid of them.
And I'll be rid of you.

Knock it off, I was drinking!
Drinking me...
Not if you keep it up.
Oh, I'll keep it up.