Sunday, September 27, 2009

Old School

Most of this dialogue is pre-blog.

What about roll-over dollars?

Does it say AT&T across my forehead?
No roll-over dollars!
Why the fuck not?
Because I said so.
What if I'm savvy one week? I won't be rewarded?
That is shit.

Katie thinks we're adorable. Isn't that disgusting?
She read the blog.
Well, I am pretty damn cute.
Eh, you're a'ight.

So you're going to call it My Classy Girlfriend, even though you're the one writing it?
You son-of-a-bitch.

I'm in a man cave.
Well, the Bat cave.
Woah, don't scare me like that. The man cave is the equivalent of your dark place.

I'm trying to come up with a catchy name, or a one liner but I can't come up with any.
Keep thinking!
I quit!
You damn tyrant.
Well, looks like death by firing squad then, and I don't shoot bullets. If you know what I mean.
No, fuck that, Saddam. I already quit. You've been over thrown.

I'm thinking about getting ready for work.
That's like making plans to make plans.

Well, happy birthday.
*throws change*
And not good shit, like gold dollars. Rusty pennies, for you!
Can they at least be Canadian pennies. I'd rather not be shamed by my own country.
But you're okay being shamed by Canadians?
Yeah, 'cause you know, fuck Canada!
True that.

So is it compassion or cruelty if I throw a roll of quarters at you?
Meh, it's a mix.
But it's ten bucks and it's pre-wrapped.
I won't settle for anything less than twelve.

When a Man Loves a Woman

Two blowjobs, five whole dollars and you still aren't satisfied?
What does this satisfied mean?
Well you see, when a man loves a woman...
The woman lets him put it in her butt. The end.
What do I have to do do get my back rubbed in these parts?
Not live thirty-five minutes away in the middle of nowhere.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This Shit is Bananas!

Haha! You get the small banana!
I always settle for the small banana.
(Heh, if only, right?)

Nanner! Nanner! Nanner!
*Peels banana*
That's why I keep you around.
'Cause I take care of your banana.

Texts From Last Night

I think I have a problem, but the first step is admittance.
To your coffee addiction? You think that is bad, try going to a bar between your college classes and then heading to your sewing lab drunk.
You're classy, I see nothing wrong with that.
I did drink some imported beers, and if that isn't upscale, I don't know what is.
As long as you extend your pinky, you're in the fucking clear.

I can't wait 'til I have my own house so I can be naked at my discretion.
And bang.
Uhh, mostly just be naked, 'cause, you know, that isn't as offensive to guests.
Being offensive is underrated.
True fucking that.

Laughter Is Key

One evening, whilst stumbling about the internet, I came across a blog compiled of dialogue between a sassy, young couple. As I read on, the two became to feel painfully familiar. Somewhere, I'd heard the exact same wit and sarcasm before. The same salty discourse is the glue that binds my own relationship and not to mention, keeps the unconventionality alive. After forwarding a link to the blog to my boyfriend, Mike, and hearing his reaction, the next step was obvious. We needed a funny blog too! Thus, The Fashionista and the Five Head was born.

While the blog will be similar to it's inspiration, consisting of candid dialogue between my boyfriend and me, I'd like to spice it up. I'd like to air a little bit of what has kept me happy for the past six months. Together, the two of us are regular comedians, with the exception of the times we simply cannot stand each other. I've never been so delighted to be associated with someone who belongs to two such extremes. One minute, this man has me on top of the world and the next, I want to sit on his head (which I have). Somehow, we have manged to coexist for a half a year and keep the laughter alive. Sometimes the jokes are what keep us sane and push us forward (that, and beer, or so Mike insists). He challenges me and at times is beyond baffling, but for some reason, he is still my everything. I love, love, love my little fashionista barista.